________________________ 2018 ________________________

source: www.insaz.ethz.ch

BACCHUS Final Meeting, April 2018

The BACCHUS Final Meeting took place on 24-26 April 2018 in Zurich, Switzerland. At the final project meetings BACCHUS partners presented and discussed their final results and, as in previous meetings, an exchange between cluster projects (BACCHUS and DACCIWA) took place with DACCIWA coordinator Prof. Peter Knippertz giving an invited presentation on the highlights of the partner project.

source: https://twitter.com/EurGeosciences

BACCHUS at European Geosciences Union General Assembly, April 2018

The EGU conference takes place on 08-13 April 2018 in Vienna, Austria.
At this year's conference, BACCHUS contributions are again invited in the general session on "Clouds, Aerosols, Radiation and Precipitation" (AS1.41).

________________________ 2017 ________________________

source: U. von Groll/ETH Treffpunkt Science City

Willkommen im Klimalabor (de)
ETH Treffpunkt Science City Workshop, 26 November 2017

Im Rahmen vom Erlebnissonntag "Wir gehen in die Luft" vom ETH Treffpunkt Science City hat BACCHUS und andere Mitarbeiter des Insitute fuer Atmosphaere und Klima, ETH Zurich, einen Workshop zu Wetter und Klima organisiert und durchgefuehrt. Kinder im Alter zwischen 7 und 12 Jahren konnten in einem Experiment eine Wolke in der Trinkflasche erzeugen udn lernten die sich Wolken bilden und warum sie in der Atmosphaere wichtig sind. In einem weiteren Experiment wurden die Luftstroemungen auf der Erde nachgeahmt und so viele Details ueber die Luftstroemungen auf der Erde und das Klima erfahren. Die 45 minuetigen Workshops wurden ganztaegig durchgefuehrt, sodass rund 120 interessierte Kinder zu Wetter- und Klimaexperten wurden.

source: M. Burkert/ETH Zurich

Being a weather and climate researcher for a day
Girl's Day at ETH Zurich, July 2017

How is it to be a weather and climate researcher? On 20 July 2017 18 girls (10 and 13 years) visited ETH Zurich and learned about weather and climate. The girls had the chance to measure atmospheric parameters (e.g. relative humidity and pressure) with their instruments built by their own during the course, simulated the global circulation and learned about the climate system. [Read more...]
The event was organized by IACETH in collaboration with the ETH gender equality office Equal!. The experiment day was advertised as a Pro Juventute event.

source: https://twitter.com/EurGeosciences

BACCHUS at European Geosciences Union General Assembly, April 2017

The EGU conference took place on 23-28 April 2017 in Vienna, Austria.
At this year's conference, BACCHUS contributions were invited in the session "AS1.35: Clouds, Aerosols, Radiation and Precipitation" (general session)

source: www.insaz.ethz.ch

3rd BACCHUS Annual Meeting, January 2017

The third BACCHUS annual meeting took place on 10-12 January 2017 in Zurich. The project partners met during three days of the workshop to discuss and exchange their latest results, for creating synergies between work packages and project partners and to plan the work to be accomplished in the final year of the project.

________________________ 2016 ________________________

source: feriennet.ch

"What is climate?" - Girl's Day at ETH Zurich

On 18 August 2016 girls had the chance to visit ETH Zurich and learn about weather and climate. Being a researcher for one day, the girls performed hands-on experiments, e.g. building their thermometers and learned about weather and climate. The event was organized at IACETH in collaboration with the Equal! gender equality office.

source: https://twitter.com/EurGeosciences

BACCHUS session at European Geosciences Union General Assembly, April 2016

The EGU conference took place on 17-22 April in Vienna, Austria.
At this year's conference, BACCHUS had its own session "AS 4.5: Impact of Biogenic versus Anthropogenic emissions on Clouds and Climate: towards a Holistic UnderStanding (BACCHUS)". Further details see here.

source: cost-es0903.fem-environment.eu

Second BACCHUS winter school, March 2016

The second BACCHUS winter school took place in Hyytiälä on 07-18 March 2016. It was organized by the University of Helsinki. Further information on the winter school can be found here.

source: www.insaz.ethz.ch

2nd annual meeting, January 2016

The second BACCHUS annual meeting took place on 26-28 January 2016 in Zurich. The project partners spent three days exchanging their latest results, as well as discussing and planning the work to be accomplished in the second half of the project.

________________________ 2015 ________________________

source: Eysi Energii

Girls' day at ETH Zurich, August 2015

Being a researcher for one day! Girls aged between 10 and 13 visited ETH Zurich on 11 August 2015 and learnt about weather and climate, and how clouds and rain form. More details can be found at the summary page.

source: Cyprus Institute

ChArMEx-BACCHUS campaign in Cyprus, March 2015

The Cyprus Institute (Nicosia, Cyprus) coordinates an international field campaign to study cloud properties and desert dust in Cyprus from 3 to 27 March 2015: As part of BACCHUS and the French project ChArMEx, scientists investigate key processes and feedbacks controlling the formation of clouds. Among other instruments, Unmanned Research Aircraft (drones) from Cyprus Institute and Meteo-France are deployed to carry out measurements. Further information on the campaign can be found here.

source: cost-es0903.fem-environment.eu

BACCHUS winter school, March 2015

The BACCHUS winter school will take place in Hyytiälä on 15-26 March 2015. It is organized in joint work by the BACCHUS project management office and the University of Helsinki. Enrollment took place in January 2015. Further information on the winter school can be gained from here.

source: http://tribune.com.pk

Gender & diversity workshop at 1st annual meeting, January 2015

At the 1st BACCHUS annual meeting we will have a gender awareness workshop for all principle investigators of the participating institutions. Further information will follow.

source: www.insaz.ethz.ch

1st annual meeting, January 2015

The first BACCHUS annual meeting will take place in Zurich on 13-15th January 2015. We are looking forward to three full days of exciting science and stimulating discussions.Further information can be found here.

________________________ 2014 ________________________


ETH Science City Junior children's lecture on top performances of the atmosphere, November 2014

The atmosphere is full of top performances! There are many examples: tornadoes can reach wind speeds of up to 500 kilometers per hour - even the speediest formula 1 car can only go as fast as 370 km/h. And who would have thought that cloud droplets can grow by one hundred times their size in only half an hour to become rain drops? Who knows how much a lightning flash heats the surrounding air? This and more Prof. Ulrike Lohmann presented to a lecture hall filled with curious children on 16 November 2014. Click here to see the November 2014 ETH Science City brochure.(de)

source: feriennet.ch

Girls' day at ETH Zurich, July 2014

Being a researcher for one day! Girls in the age of 10-14 can visit ETH Zurich and learn how clouds and rain form as weather & climate researcher (21st July) or build a dyke as engineer (14th July). Click here to see pictures and get more information about the Girl's day 2014.

source: www.insaz.ethz.ch

BACCHUS kick-off meeting, 8-9th January 2014

The BACCHUS consortium successfully held its kick-off on 8-9th January 2014 in Zurich. 50 scientists from over Europe, Switzerland, Norway and Israel attended the meeting for discussing and deciding about how to best achieve the first milestones. Further information can be found here (for BACCHUS members only).