BACCHUS Ice Nucleation DataBase
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Gaining access to the BACCHUS Ice Nucleating particle DataBase is an easy process. However access has to be regulated due to by the need to protect the intellectual input of the scientists who have contributed the datasets. This is done through the acceptance of a data protocol by all database users. This data protocol has been explicitly accepted by all scientists directly involved in BACCHUS, however for external users for it to be legally binding a signed hard copy needs to be returned to the BACCHUS management team, after which a username and password for the database will be sent out. Clearly this process will take some time, so book early to avoid disappointment!
Data protocol download
Send to:
ETH Zurich
Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science
BACCHUS Project Management Office
Dr. Monika Burkert
Universitätstrasse 16
8092 Zurich
For an update on the progress of an on-going membership application, feel free to email the database administrator

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ETH Zurich